
Yoga is not a word easily defined but instead points to the most perfect experience. Kerri has been trying to imbue this awareness everyday since the first time on her mat.

Almost ten years ago, Kerri started teaching. She was young and naive, but determined. At the time, she was suffering from depression and found yoga as the only place she felt safe enough to open and heal. From her very first class, Kerri felt that yoga was a familiar memory from deep inside. She fell in love with the language of yoga, which she believes is like a key, opening the door to our inner world. Meditation has always been at the heart of her yoga practice.

Committed to the idea that yoga is medicine, Kerri teaches with the hope that her students will stay present and open. With sound healing, alignment, and breathwork, she travels with her students. They move together into a place that can only be found in the present moment. Each pose is guided with awareness and gentleness, filled with the potential for life-changing shifts that are possible each time you step on your mat. Kerri encourages her students to find new ways to open the heart, quiet the mind, and dive deep beneath the surface. She is grateful for the teachers who have helped her along the way, and continue to help her today, but most of all for her heart teacher, Amma.